The cost of living and economic crisis in Zimbabwe has seen the number of people make decisions that are hard for them to make. One of those decisions affect our older people. There is no social safety net in Zimbabwe for our elderly folk and they often don’t have anyone to rely on. Some have to rely on the help of neighbors or relatives. However, in today’s economy the reality is that those relying on neighbors and relatives living here, often put a huge strain on families trying to survive from day to day, and those children living out the country have put them low on the priority list. No one can blame them, unfortunately life runs away with you and the saying “out of sight, out of mind” is so true when you living in another country. I know, I’m guilty of having a moment in time!! Nobody should have to choose between feeding their child or feeding an elderly parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle. Unfortunately, some people have had to make that choice and that’s where Waterfalls Trust comes in.
There are currently 18 elderly (aged above 60 years) who are receiving food (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner), Doctor & Medical facilities, Boarding and Lodging at Waterfalls Trust Old Age Home. Once upon a time we had a group of sponsors as long as our arm but over the years and the economic situation in Zimbabwe that to dwindled down to a puddle. We are so eternally grateful to the assistance we get from these amazing angels because without them our doors would be closed.
We are appealing for any assistance you can offer by adopting a granny or grandpa. Out of our residents we have 6 elderly who desperately need your assistance to continue living the rest of their lives in peace, safety and security as their families can no longer assist them due to hardships they are facing themselves. Your sponsorship will ensure that they will have the companionship for the rest of their days and will give them the feeling of being connected to the community which can be as important to their sense of well-being as the food we provide.
We thank you for taking time to read this appeal and for your consideration